Medical News Today Blog

Getting Started With A Healthcare Virtual Assistant: Tips And Tricks

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As healthcare demands continue to grow, many medical professionals are seeking innovative ways to handle their workloads more efficiently. One increasingly popular solution is employing a healthcare virtual assistant (VA). While the term “virtual assistant” may conjure images of artificial intelligence, the VA we’re discussing today is very much human. Human virtual assistants are skilled professionals who work remotely to support healthcare providers with various administrative and clinical tasks. 

In this post, we’ll explore the top ten tips and tricks for getting started with a healthcare virtual assistant to help you streamline your practice and optimize patient care.

Define Your Needs

Before searching for a healthcare virtual assistant, it’s crucial to identify the specific tasks you need assistance with. This can include appointment scheduling, patient follow-ups, insurance verification, or even social media management. 

Clearly outlining your requirements will make it easier to find a VA with the appropriate skills and experience.

Prioritize Experience In Healthcare

When seeking a VA, prioritize candidates with healthcare experience, as they’ll be familiar with the unique challenges and requirements of the industry. They’ll also be more adept at navigating medical terminology, maintaining patient confidentiality, and adhering to relevant regulations.

Verify Qualifications And Certifications

Ensure that your VA has the necessary qualifications and certifications for the tasks they’ll be handling. This can include training in medical billing and coding, a background in health information management, or even certifications in specific electronic health record (EHR) systems.

Conduct A Thorough Interview Process

Just as you would with any other employee, conduct thorough interviews with potential VAs to gauge their suitability for your practice. Ask about their experience with healthcare tasks, their familiarity with EHR systems, and their ability to handle patient-sensitive information.

Test Their Technical Skills

Given that your VA will be working remotely, it’s essential to assess their technical skills. Make sure they’re proficient in using EHR systems, video conferencing tools, and any other software necessary for their role. 

Additionally, check that they have a reliable internet connection and a suitable home office setup.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Clear communication is vital when working with a remote VA. Establish a preferred method of communication, such as email, phone, or a project management tool, and ensure both parties are comfortable with it. Schedule regular check-ins to stay updated on their progress and address any concerns.

Set Expectations And Boundaries

Define your expectations for your VA from the outset, including work hours, turnaround times, and performance metrics. 

Establishing boundaries early on will help ensure a smooth working relationship and minimize the potential for misunderstandings.

Provide Thorough Onboarding And Training

Once you’ve hired your VA, invest time in onboarding and training them on your practice’s specific processes and software. This will enable them to integrate more seamlessly into your workflow and become an effective member of your team.

Regularly Review And Evaluate Performance

Monitor your VA’s performance and provide constructive feedback to help them grow in their role. Regular performance evaluations will also allow you to identify any areas where additional training or support may be required.

Consider A Trial Period

If you’re uncertain about committing to a long-term arrangement, consider starting with a trial period. This will allow you to gauge the VA’s effectiveness and adaptability to your practice’s needs before making a more permanent decision.


Integrating a healthcare virtual assistant into your practice can greatly enhance efficiency and free up valuable time to focus on patient care. By carefully assessing your needs, vetting candidates, and providing thorough onboarding and training, you can establish a productive and successful working relationship with your VA.