Medical News Today Blog

5 Tips For Practicing Emotional Serenity For Mental Health

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Achieving emotional serenity is essential for improving mental health, and it can be challenging to attain. Here are five actionable tips to help create inner peace and find greater harmony in your life.

Spend Time in Nature

One of the best ways to find emotional serenity is to spend time in nature. Nature has a way of calming and grounding us, allowing us to slow down and recenter ourselves. Even a few minutes spent breathing the fresh air or listening to birds sing can help boost mood and promote mental clarity. Take the time to unplug from technology and get outside for some quality time in nature.

Practice Breathing Techniques.

Taking a few minutes each day to practice deep breathing can help you relax your body and mind. Lay on your back or sit comfortably and take long, slow deep breaths. Feel the air as it fills your lungs, then slowly exhale and let go. As you do this, shift your attention away from negative thoughts or stressors and focus on simply breathing.

Get Enough Sleep & Adopt a Regular Bedtime Routine.

Getting enough sleep and adopting a regular bedtime routine that won’t disrupt your sleep schedule is essential for achieving emotional serenity and improving mental health. Most adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to truly recharge and get their energy back for the next day. Consider creating a consistent routine like reading or taking a relaxing bath before going to bed every night to help relax your mind and body and ensure you get a good night’s rest.

Exercise Regularly & Eat Healthy Meals.

Exercise and a healthy diet are essential to maintaining emotional serenity and good mental health. Regular physical activity releases endorphins and has been shown to reduce stress, increase energy levels, help you sleep better, and even boost your confidence. Additionally, eating nutritious foods with plenty of variety helps fuel the brain to perform its functions adequately. Eating a balanced diet will also ensure that your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs for optimal performance.

Pursue Constructive Activities & Connect with Others Socially.

Engaging in positive and constructive activities can lead to more significant emotional serenity. Spend time pursuing hobbies and interests that bring you joy, or hang out with friends who make you feel good about yourself. Make time for relationships with people who care about you and provide social support during tough times. Having supportive connections can give a sense of safety, security, and well-being.

Depression and Anxiety

Suppose you have a loved one who has depression, anxiety, or other mental health condition, but you’ve never personally experienced the symptoms of mental illness. In that case, you may be wondering how to help someone with depression and anxiety. In this blog, we will discuss 5 tips for supporting a loved one with a mental illness.

1. Recognize the Signs

Whether your loved one is being treated or not, it is essential to recognize the signs of depression and anxiety. People may not always realize that they are experiencing symptoms of a mental condition, or they may not realize when their symptoms have worsened. If you know what signs and symptoms to look for, you may be able to help your loved one recognize them and take action to prevent a crisis.

Some symptoms of depression and anxiety that you may notice include the following:

  • Irritability and anger
  • Crying spells
  • Sudden emotional outbursts
  • Ruminating: constant negative thoughts
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
  • Isolation: avoiding contact with friends and family
  • Restlessness
  • Changes in dietary habits: overeating or loss of appetite
  • Unexplained physical ailments, like aches and pains or G.I. problems

2. Understand You Can’t Fix It

Another critical aspect of learning how to help someone with anxiety and depression is understanding you can’t fix it for them. Your job is to listen and offer support — not to solve their problems.

Clinical depression and anxiety aren’t always situational; symptoms will often come on for no obvious reason. So, don’t try to reason them out of it; just be present and lend them your support, love, and encouragement. You may feel frustrated that you can’t change how they think, so remember that it’s not your responsibility to fix it.

If you get frustrated, take a few minutes to breathe and collect your thoughts before speaking; remember that their negative behaviour is not who they are — it’s coming from depression and anxiety.

Patience, empathy, and listening are essential skills to practice when interacting with someone in the grips of anxiety and depression. Remember, talking isn’t always necessary; sometimes, just being there and sitting quietly with them is the best support you can give.

3. Encourage Them to Get Professional Help

If your loved one is not being treated for anxiety or depression and you notice their symptoms worsening, encourage them to seek professional help. A licensed psychiatrist can recommend a treatment plan to manage their symptoms of anxiety and depression and achieve stability.

Some people may be reluctant to go to a psychiatrist near you or to talk about their mental health. One thing you can do is encourage a visit to their family doctor. Sometimes, the word of a professional may be the wake-up call they need. Psychiatrist near you

4. Support Them During Treatment

There are no quick fixes for mental conditions like depression. Treatments like medication can take up to six weeks to fully feel the effects. As a supporter, you can help encourage them to keep going to therapy, taking their medications, and going to their psychiatrist appointments. It is essential to stick to the treatment plan, especially taking one’s medications every day as directed. Ask your loved one if it would help to have you remind them to take their meds at the appropriate times.

You can also encourage your loved one to participate in fun, uplifting activities and do other things that will help them feel better.

5. Don’t Forget About Yourself

Remember that you are not responsible for your loved one’s recovery. It must decide for themselves to take back their life. Another thing to remember is that you may need to set boundaries with them. You can’t and shouldn’t drop everything and neglect other responsibilities for them all the time. Of course, you may need to do that some of the time, but you can’t be there for them 24/7.

Also, remember the importance of open communication. Just because your loved one is struggling with a mental illness doesn’t mean you can’t be honest with them about your feelings. You won’t be able to help your loved one if your physical and mental health is suffering, so don’t neglect yourself while trying to help them.